Information to participants - Summary

This is a summary of the aspects of the research project. Please, take the time to also read the complete information before agreeing to allow your child to be part in the study.

If you and your child agree to take part in this study:

  • Your child will be asked to attend two sessions to do some activities in a computer that will evoke emotions responses from them (for example, happiness, excitement, anxiety) while they will be audio and video recorded. Example of activities they will do are, watching a video, play a game and complete a math worksheet. This will take around 30 minutes for each session.
  • You will be asked to attend sessions to watch the recorded video of your child’s session while indicates which emotion they are engaged with.
  • The sessions will happen entirely online. You and your child can participate from home. You and your child will be required to attend two different sessions. The sessions will be scheduled to best suit yours and your child’s available time.

    The study's tasks during the sessions are everyday tasks many children encounter and so these tasks serve to create typical scenarios that children with autism often experience. Naturally, there is a possibility that the study session causes some temporary level of emotional stress on the children participating in it through two tasks: Playing a game and answering a math quiz. Because of that, we put in place procedures to ensure the emotional wellbeing of the participants. One example is: After each of the tasks, there are calming contents to support the child's emotion regulation, for example, child-friendly guided breathing exercises. You can check all the other measures on the complete information sheet. You can also request to check the study session before you agree to allow your child to participate in it.

    The information gathered will be treated with privacy and anonymity. No information regarding your child will be revealed in this research. Information will be stored safely with access only available to the research team listed above and it will be destroyed after 3 years. The anonymised results from the study will be included in a thesis and may be published and discussed at academic conferences or in journals.

    Your child doesn’t have to take part in this study if you/they don’t want to and you/they can withdraw from the study at any time, without saying why. If you have any questions or if anything is unclear, just ask me, I am happy to discuss the study with you.

    Finally, thank you for taking the time to read this, and please also read the complete Information page with more details on this research.

    Last Updated: 5th August,2021.